Tuesday, December 18, 2012


I've watched for years as our political leaders get elected with promises that end up broken, with self-descriptions that end up disingenuous.

I've seen them address crises as consoler-in-chief, as if that should be sufficient. I've talked to friends that are invested in the charisma of our leaders - that someone is a gifted orator, or that we believe she's a good person, or that he appears to be sincere.

I respect those views. However, I personally need neither consolation nor charisma; nor do I care whether any given politician has "character". This, in my view, misses the point. We elect these people to take care of the needs of our country - to do a job.

For many years I've wondered what would it be like to simply track our politicians, and connect the dots between what is said and what is done. I'll make that effort here, with this blog.

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