Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Self-Defense Gun Use

From this article; please visit that site for details from this Harvard study:
  • Guns are not used millions of times each year in self-defense
  • Most purported self-defense gun uses are gun uses in escalating arguments and are both socially undesirable and illegal 
  • Firearms are used far more often to intimidate than in self-defense.
  • Guns in the home are used more often to intimidate intimates than to thwart crime. 
  • Adolescents are far more likely to be threatened with a gun than to use one in self-defense.
  • Criminals who are shot are typically the victims of crime (NB: i.e. they are not shot by law-abiding citizens in self-defense)
  • Few criminals are shot by decent law abiding citizens 

1 comment:

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